University Education and Training Project
University education is an important and indispensable subject in our age, we can say that it is the most important stage of education, it is an educational mechanism that contributes to the mental development of the student, economic and development skills by increasing the innovation and postgraduate skills of students.
It is regarded as a way of especially helping to improve quality of life, social and global challenges and troubles, and delivering observations. Higher education and training is defined as one of the main engines that increase the development and growth, welfare and competitiveness of nations in general and individuals in particular.
Higher education makes the individual less dependent on state aid by opening doors such as economic stability, confidence, suitable job opportunities, sufficient salary, and when it increases the student's self- confidence and skills, it greatly improves the quality of life with higher education.
As we have seen above, we adopt the idea that education is very important. For this reason, the dream and project of our foundation is to establish an academic university, to support the scientific development of students and to implement an exclusive privileged education model. Until the financial and financial problems required for the realization of this project, which is one of our goals, are solved, our foundation continues to serve education and continue our education and training path with our alternative project.
We have continued and will continue to support our undergraduate and university students, graduate and doctorate students by producing various projects. May Allah help us.