Mosque construction and equipment project (Bulgaria-Pazarcik-Vsemirtsi village)
The mosque will be the only mosque in the village, it has received the necessary land licenses from the state, the project of the mosque has been prepared and it is in the approval process. Village people started construction with simple materials and facilities, but the project was stopped because their financial situation was insufficient (as shown in the pictures).
The mosque features: red brick, reinforced concrete, the roof will be red ondolin, there is a 10-meter-high minaret, carpets, two toilets, speakers, and an ablution room for 5 people and mushafs. Friday prayers can be performed.
The mosque has two separate entrances for men and women. Since there is no gasil house, there is a small plot adjacent to the plot of the mosque, which can be allocated for that purpose suitable for the construction of a gasil house dedicated to the mosque.